Empower Educators,
Elevate Learning

Solutions for effective classroom management, student engagement,
and connection

Redefining The Professional Learning Experience

Investing in evidence-based classroom management strategies is more important than ever before. Through humor, expertise, and proven methods, Sessions with Alisa partners with educators to transform and elevate any learning environment.

In a session with Alisa, you are guaranteed a variety of actionable ideas that uplift, inspire reflection, empower, and re-energize.

Rooted in decades of educational research, my sessions are uniquely tailored to the needs of your school and filled with easy to implement strategies. Participants will learn techniques to allow them to always be clear, concise, and consistent with students.

Sessions With Alisa provide the tools you need to streamline your discipline approach, lead with confidence, build more meaningful connections with your students.

Building From 5 Core Components

Component 1: Self-Control  Maintaining a keen and calm mindset. 

Component 2:  Quality Connections  Build and maintain strong student and teacher relationships rooted in respect.

Component 3: Teaching Rules and Procedures  Utilize a proactive model, taught systematically, where responsible behavior is taught to and reactive consequences are avoided.

Component 4: Successfully Responding to Challenges Eliminate repeated requests, preserve your patience and have more time to teach

Component 5: Classroom Ecology  Effectively arrange and design the classroom to leverage the senses for optimum learning.

Results-Driven Training Sessions That Work!

Experience You Can Trust

I am proud of where I've been, and I look forward to where I'm going. My career has been dedicated to empowering educators, and working together to refine techniques, elevate their roles, and reignite their love for teaching. This is the work I am passionate about, excel in, and am committed to advancing.

I understand the importance of classroom management. Every time a teacher looks to the office to solve discipline problems, the teacher erodes their credibility with their students. The transformative strategies we'll discuss help teachers manage their classrooms and create a more positive and productive space to learn and belong.

You can - and will- benefit from these tools tomorrow.  What are you waiting for?  Let's get you on the map! 



Classroom Management Training That Works!

Improve Scores, Reduce Referrals, And Increase Teacher Job Satisfaction
Research ranks classroom management as the most important variable in building and sustaining school success. Our staff development training offers the most powerful classroom management strategies available anywhere.

How much would student achievement increase if students were on task 5, 10, or even 20 hours more each week?
Educators realize that we are losing precious instruction time to pesky low-level discipline challenges. We all must realize that academics and discipline go hand in hand. An educator can be the best content instructor on campus but without the ability to control the classroom, the best lessons will remain undelivered.

What could be accomplished if student discipline challenges decreased by 70% or more?
If you want to increase student achievement, you must first put a system in place for discipline that empowers your teachers to improve the behaviors of students in the classroom. You can provide your staff with world-class training in classroom management to help you achieve these goals.

Is teacher job satisfaction and less stress important to the success of your school system?
This approach gives teachers tools to be proactive rather than reactive. This training will help your staff gain back that lost teaching time with research-based, proven strategies that minimize or eliminate 70 – 90% of low-level, chronic behaviors.

Is teacher turnover a concern?
Classroom management was rated as the most important variable to building and sustaining a high-achieving classroom. Classroom management (or lack of) is also the number one reason why educators are leaving the profession. Our application-based strategies and techniques provide your teachers with the support and tools they need for success.

Maximize student success with our program that complements Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Response to Intervention RTI, Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) and other research-based methods and frameworks.
Let us help you elevate your practices and strengthen connections
so you can maximize student and teacher success!

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